Ambition Snowskates Winter Lineup

Ambition Snowskates has released a few of their new goodies for the coming winter.  The  new snowskates are included in this first online release.  Check out some of Ambitions advancements in snowskate technology, including  CFT (carbon fiber technology), concave,  a new base, and more.  You can get a glimpse of Phil’s first Pro Model with Ambition Snowskates, which is a tribute to the late and great Wilbur the G.O.A.T.   Follow your nose, and the link, to Ambition’s website:


Phil's Pro Model Tribute to Wilby
Phil's Pro Model Tribute to Wilby

TDN Results


Team USA, Will Ibsen, Pat Smage, Cody Webb, and Keith Wineland
Team USA, Will Ibsen, Pat Smage, Cody Webb, and Keith Wineland

1: Spain 
2: Great Britain 
3: Italy 
4: France 
5: USA 

Team USA upped their previous top performance of 6th with a top 5 finish at the 2009 TDN.  Strong riding from all team members helped them overcome incredibly difficult sections that had the team feeling a bit out of their comfort zone.  Congrats to everyone on the team, and all the contributors that helped fund the trip.

Jux Snowskate Doc…teaser 2.

Heres another teaser for the Jux Skate Art Co. snowskate film, “Someday, Almost Everyday” is now released on Ambition Snowskates website…follow the link, full screen that vid, and get excited.


Phil filming for JUX.  Photo Credit: Cam Foster
Phil filming for JUX. Photo Credit: Cam Foster

Good Luck Team USA!

551 Films rider Pat Smage just landed in Italy for the 2009 FIM Trials Des Nations.  Each country chooses their top 4 riders to represent them in this international event.  RacerX online did a write-up, giving some exposure to Pat and the rest of the team.  Link:

551 Films would like to wish the team the best of luck in their search for a top five finish!


Pat preps for his assault on the world
Pat preps for his assault on the world

SA3 Filming Update


H'Idalgo says X marks the spot
H'Idalgo says X marks the spot

 The newly remodeled MotoPlayground car needed to be checked for safety.  After a few hours of deliberation, it was decided that a good way to test the roof for stability in case of a roll would be to shoot a 2.5 Inch mortar inside it.  After a few more moments of thought, it was decided that Binz and H’Idalgo might as well sit inside it to make things interesting for the video.  The roof held up to the blast with only an inch deep dent to show for the hit.  H’Idalgos leg, however, is a different story.  SA3 is shaping up to be very entertaining, look for a teaser in the months to come…


The MotoPlayground car and the two brave pyros
The MotoPlayground car and the two brave pyros

SC EX results

A quick top 3 from the EX.

1. Taddy Blazusiak

2. Geoff Aaron

3. Cory Graffunder

Full story and pictures to come soon…

Demolition Weekend

Labor Day weekend at Smagical Acres means your doing one of two things; riding, or hanging out at the Smage Family Pond Party.  The riding was cut short when Phils chain fell off and wrapped around his rear wheel, sending him over the bars.  Only Phil would find a way to get a concussion while warming his bike up less than a week before the next endurocross.  

The car awaits the green flag
The car awaits the green flag

With some forced time off the bike (which thankfully was getting some work done by Eric Gorr at Forward Motion), the crew decided to head to the Walworth County Fair and cheer on the car of Andy Hackler.  Unfortunately Phil’s bad luck carried over to Andy.  A blown starter in the first head took car #551 out of contention.  

The podium chances go up in smoke
The podium chances go up in smoke

 Next up is the South Carolina Endurocross.   So its time to pack up the GV, hit the road, and hope Phil’s head comes around in time for the race.  Check back sunday for the race results.

Forward Motion Support


Welcome to the power house
Welcome to the power house

 Phil’s KTM 200 recently got a much needed massage.  Engine Building master Eric Gorr was kind enough to offer his services in transforming the hard-hitting snappy power of the 200 into a more usable “trials-esque” powerband that should suite endurocross much better.  A huge thanks goes out to Eric and Steve at Forward Motion for the support!  


Gorr works his magic on the cylinder
Gorr works his magic on the cylinder


The master tests his creation
The master tests his creation

Round 2 Endurocross Vid

Follow the link for some racing action from Round 2 of the Maxxis Endurocross.  Thanks to ShotMakerProductions for the killer video.



Brownie, Quandy, and Taddy think strategy
Brownie, Quandy, and Taddy sharing synergy