Here is the Smagical Long Jump/ Car railslide filming session, described in pictures, cause face it, sometimes reading isn’t fun.


Making the masterpiece
Making the masterpiece



H'Idalgo slings some dirt
H'Idalgo slings some dirt



Dont turn, but if you have to, make it right...
Dont turn, but if you have to, make it right...



Binz with a pre-rail interview
Binz with a pre-rail interview



50-50 in a car?
Binz with the first car 50-50?



Phil attempts a nosepress like on his snowskate?  FAIL.
Phil thinks he's snowskating, nosepress? FAIL.



Binz starts of Smagical Long Jump
Binz starts of Smagical Long Jump


Phil bent the steering wheel with his head
Phil bent the steering wheel with his head



Rex Quando Leads at the wire...
Rex Quando Leads at the wire...




After Binz's 2nd jump the car was finished
After Binz's 2nd jump the car was finished