Fall in Wisconsin usually means cold temperatures, freezing rain, and more of natures tricks to keep people indoors. Nearly 50 riders braved the dreary looking morning, endured the snow on the drive, and were rewarded to a prime mini track coupled with great weather. The clouds opened up after morning practice, and gave way to plentiful sun throughout the day.

What began a few years back as a few buddies ramming stockers into each other, has quickly turned into a “high stakes” event, at least in terms of big dollar bikes cruising through the pits. Tom Neilson took note of this and made sure there were classes for all bikes and riders. Tom stacked the classes, from 50 and 110 stock/mod classes, to youth and vet classes, team races, tag, even a slow race for the trials riders out there.

Spectators came out in heards when the word spread about the number of fast wisconsin MXers pre entered in the event. Throw in free food, door prizes, and free beer and you have and event thats almost as fun to watch as it is to ride! The pits were packed, parking was full, and all was set for a great showdown.

The racing was intense throughout all the classes. One thing that remained consistent throughout the day was the Kevin Popaeko rode almost every race and landed on the podium in most of them. Phil took the slow race win, while Matty Maier took the overall Brawl for It All.

hell yeah, def had a good time up there. good to see yah again phil!!!
Zat Mitster Papaeko es won old shreding! dude! Za tree finger peeece siyn es for za tree numberr won platez he win zat day at el Brawl for et allz….et allz meening all el free cervasa y food! he allso taken tree podeeums at el mini moto ess exx in vegas dat ole cootinheimer he es!