Life’s Short, Stunt It. Click for Pics.

ctiimg_75812After a few frustrating days of bike problems, I was fortunate enough to have some of the best advice available for my first go at high falling. When it comes to falling off of really high places and not breaking their necks, The Leavitts and their crew are some of the best.  First we did some falls off of the climbing wall onto the foam stacks.  That felt good so we went to the first level fall.  I chose the “suicide” for my way to reach the airbag properly.  For that you jump/fall off facing forward and rotate half a gainer to your back.  After a few falls i felt ready to move up to the next  height.  My last fall i over rotated  and landed head/neck first  a little bit.  Brian pulled me off and explained the importance of spotting your landing before starting the backward rotation so you dont over rotate like i did, which can be really magnified at larger heights.

Getting ready for the second fall
Getting ready for the second fall




Freeee Fallllllling.

  With that I took a seat behind the lens and filmed the people with skills take to the airbag.  Stacked a few shots of them making the biggest fall look like nothing…then took my spot on the second drop point.  I swallowed some of my height issues and listened to what Brian had said. Although i probably threw up 5 times in that one fall, it was a rad experience and i cant wait to do some more.  I’d like to thank Lane, Debbie and Daniel Leavitt, Brian, Sam, Tree and Nat M. for giving me a chance to try some high falling.  With that we packed up the goat van and headed back on the road.  Armed with a stocker that wont run, a trials bike, and the 200, we head to vegas for the Mini Moto SX.