Smagical SOTW


Phil frontboards in Emery, Utah
Phil frontboards in Emery, Utah

This weeks SOTW brings us to last winter.  After a grand adventure at Ryan Villipotos motorcycle playland, it was off to Aspen for the Winter X Games.  It was around 1AM when the crew ran low on fuel in the middle of the Utah wasteland.  They limped the vehicle into Emery, Utah…H’Idalgo’s hometown. On the way to the gas station Phil spotted a rail at a church right downtown.  After a few minutes of shoveling away some excess snow, the cameras came out and Phil started to session it.  A few moments after snagging this front board, he changed it up to 5050’s.  Two tries later and he got one and “rolled” into the street.  Greeting him roadside was a friendly local police officer who insisted they were trying to kill themselves.  After a quick chat about Wilbur the backflipping goat, the cop simply said “have fun and dont kill yourself.”  Turns out sometimes cops are good at their jobs.