Meet H’Idalgo

dsc009402A new Mechanic recently joined up on the Five-5-1 Films/Uncle Circe Racing race team.  Introducing, H’Idalgo.  Residing in Emory, Utah, Dalgo grew up doing a lot of raking and bicycle maintenance.  Although his hometown, population of approximately 47,  had only one paved sidewalk corner to shred, Dalgo took up extreme skateboard riding.  During his years as a pre-teen, Dalgo became fascinated with two strokes.  He learned the engines inside and out, all the while perfecting his own riding techniques.   As fate would have it, H’Idalgo recently lost his job as Emery’s leading swedish fish distributor to Randy’s Service and their unbeatable “2 Cents per fish” prices. Dalgo just couldnt run with the big corporations in town, so he has been looking for work for a few weeks now.  Fast forward to our trip out to Cali and running out of gas on a deserted I70 in the middle of Utah.  The closest gas was 20 miles off the interstate at a Randy’s Service.  It just so happened that this was the same Randy’s Service that H’Idalgo was drowning his sorrows in some discount swedish fish.  As soon as we met, it was meant to be.  He told me stories of his glory days as Emery’s top up and coming skateboard rider.  Once he dropped his 2 stroke engine knowledge on me, we hired him on the spot.  We believe that Dalgo will be  a great addition to the team and will aid in keeping everyone in line and on target.  Welcome to the Team H’Idalgo!


H'Idalgo has his sights set on smiles for everyone.
H'Idalgo has his sights set on smiles for everyone.